
JSIAM logo     The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Activity groups

At present, JSIAM has the following activity groups.

  1. Algorithmic Number Theory and Its Applications
    contact: uchiyama-shigenori __AT__ tmu.ac.jp
  2. Applied Chaos
    contact: umeno.ken.8z __AT__ kyoto-u.ac.jp
  3. Applied and Computational Mathematics in Industry
    contact: sakurai __AT__ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
  4. Applied Integrable Systems
    contact: nobe __AT__ faculty.chiba-u.jp
  5. Discrete Systems
    contact: hirai __AT__ mist.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  6. Formal Approach to Information Security
    contact: fais-kanji __AT__ ml.jsiam.org
  7. Geometric Shape Generation
    contact: koiso __AT__ imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
  8. Machine Learning
    contact: sato __AT__ k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  9. Mathematical Aspects on Continuum Mechanics
    contact: mkimura __AT__ se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
  10. Mathematical Design
    contact: katamine __AT__ gifu-nct.ac.jp
  11. Mathematical Finance
    contact: sekine __AT__ sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
  12. Mathematical Medicine
    contact: suzuki __AT__ sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
  13. Mathematical Politics
    contact: oyamat __AT__ grips.ac.jp
  14. Matrix Computation
    contact: imakura __AT__ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
  15. Mesh Generation and CAE
    contact: tyamada __AT__ sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  16. Origami Engineering
    contact: ihagi __AT__ meiji.ac.jp
  17. Quality of Computations
    contact: qoc-com __AT__ ml.jsiam.org
  18. Scientific Computation and Numerical Analysis
    contact: scna-organizer-ml __AT__ ml.jsiam.org
  19. Setouchi-rim JSIAM Local Research Group
    contact: ohe _AT_ xmath.ous.ac.jp
  20. Wavelet
    contact: ashino __AT__ cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp
  21. Young researchers
    contact: wakate-event __AT__ ml.jsiam.org

The number of groups is expected to increase in the future.